Our Mission:
We exist to help people take their next steps toward Christ.

Our Vision is three fold:

Bible-centered teaching is the focus of everything we believe and practice.

We believe the Bible is our highest and best authority in this life.

We desire for people to know how to read, study, and apply the Bible for themselves.

The Bible

We believe God has called all believers to be engaged in authentic discipleship communities that follow after the teachings of Jesus.

Community groups are not just a ministry of the church; they are the church.

We believe all Christians are called to a life of community with other believers and it’s these groups and relationships that help us to grow in our apprenticeship with Jesus..


We want to take part in God’s redemptive work for the renewal of our neighborhoods, our city, and the world.

God has called his people to bring HOPE to this world. We believe this isn’t just a call for our corporate body, but a call for all our individual members to bring the Kingdom to the specific places God has us.

We desire to accomplish this by:

  • Being an active presence in our neighborhoods as we show people the love of Christ.

  • Join in the renewal of our city through partnerships with local organizations and other churches.

  • Impacting the world with the Gospel of Jesus through international partnerships & church planting.
