Our distinctives and values are what set us apart and what direct our focus as a church.

The Next Generation

We are unapologetic about the fact that our children and youth are a central focus. It’s part of our primary mission to help them take their next steps towards Christ as they carry the Gospel into the future.

Unity in the City

We value partnerships with churches and Kingdom works in the city. We believe that when the people of God in Lexington are healthy and working together, our city flourishes.

Church Planting & Revitalization

We believe the local church is the primary way God grows His people in this world. We want to be a church that helps plant and revitalize more churches throughout Kentucky and beyond.

Sunday Gatherings

Our time on Sunday mornings is more than a service, it is a gathering. We believe Sundays are meant to be a time for God’s people to come together and participate in the worship of Him. This is done primarily through the teaching of Scripture, worship through song, and celebrating the Eucharist. Our time together is liturgical, spirit-led, and participatory.